
Euphoria-euphoria Masa Lalu

Sengaja mengambil tema kali ini dengan kata euphoria.

Secara literatur euphoria diartikan sebagai perasaan senang dan bahagia rohani dan jasmani. Tambahan past time adalah untuk mengenang kembali great memori in the past.

I have told to everybody who want to hear me and sharing with me. never fulled of my achieving. Why…? Coz I just have it. But I use it to build up my soul & spirit to get more. What words that I must write for testimonial my idoll, I like loosing words. Very complicated. More than a month. I still not get the moment. Ya.. ya.. ya..

I know, we alive not see our past, but be reflection on a matter that we ever achieve.

Suddenly, I remember that I have bought
Rhenald Kasali: RE-CODE YOUR CHANGE DNA. But not more than 10 % that I ever read that book. Buku ini memberi petunjuk agar lebih berani menatap hari esok yang lebih cerah, sekaligus berani menghancurkan belenggu-belenggu yang kita buat sendiri (J.Kalla).

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