The time when Luv not come..
The sun always come and night go far..
Lonely in the crowded.. Thats describe my self now on..
i luv my self than everything in the world
i luv my family en my sista more than other people
coz just they are i have in this planet
i bore bout other people
always talk it to me..
why.. are u think that i.. a strangeman..
i just a man.. have feeling like all of u
i've standard..
that's why.. i've told u 'bout that
i am a perfect.. of corze..
but i also.. thats make me so difficult
for my feeling to step.. i sad..
sometimes i cry like river in my heart
only me now that.
sometimes i am jealous
to see other people.. hmm.. very rom..
but.. i thanx for God.. U still not give to me
i must finish my carier..
that's the answer..
don't debate me..
iwan juga manusia..
punya hati, rasa, cinta........
I've presented my paper to 'M'.. Out of my mind.. I know that He really enjoy all of my presentation.. How happy I'am.. thanx God.. You've hear my praying..
I know.. This is my obsession.. my presentation b'for.. it happen on earthquake.. that's make me not so ready to do.. but now the time..
He said.. I want to be your consultant or caretaker if U be a candidat of Governor in your region.. haha.. there are so many people say like that to me..
I just want to ask everybody.. If.. all of U look at me.. whats en where your mind go far.. 'can U tell me..'
in the noon, i read kompas.. samuel mulia.. sunday edition.. He said.. All of us needs en it will give us confident.. i think that's true.. en come to me today.. the situation b'for.. I'm really down.. en lost my soul.. haha..
after that.. i get my topic for thesis.. en dosen of course.. Mudrajad.. Tony Prastyanto en Catur.. All of U Great for me..
My Imagines Always Come True..

Today, 01 July
3 days later, 4th July, Independence Day of US.
En Launching ‘Superman Return’
Usually, if I got boring, have no idea, i can go en go, go again. I go to Gramedia Ambarukmo en Centro to buy a ring that i very-very want.
And I not forget why Gusti Allah always hear what I want en what I wanna be.. en my next Obssession is be.. but I worry bout my ability, i can't what that people want..
My Imagine always nearly comes true..
In fact.. I really happy today..Haahhhh...
Hiii My Superhero... pliss catch en bring my imagine for comes true..