Hari-hari yang melelahkan, may be like that, there are 3 papers en 1 make journal
indikator economics analysis.. huhhh.. next week will final exam.. wow that's great
every night time so long, i can enjoy my sleep after 2 o'clock in de morning en get up again on 5.50 to go skull.. when this be happy ending..
in out, rain always come in the noon.. transition seasons (pancaroba gitu loh..) to dry seasons.. i can't do my routinity.. joging, i change it with swimming in the mornig b'fore go to skull..
i wanna go holliday on 20'th april.. stilldon't know where, luv paris van java so much, i'll be back again.. wanna shopping, walking-walking in Dago St.. may'be to Jak,
or stay byutie in my private room, to get my inspiration en idea to thesis.. it's so difficult for me, browsing 24 hour's.. hahahahaha...
Mo jumat'an dulu ni..